Sunday, June 24, 2012

My first imagine! June 24, 2012

Imagine... Your favorite band is One Direction but you hadn't really been following where they were like you usually do. Little did you know they were going to be at your local radio station holding a contest for 1 free VIP tickets to their upcoming consert. You were trying to call your friend after you left her house because you left your One Direction T-shirt there. You did not know that you had dialed the wrong number. When you dialed you heard two rings and then you heard a familiar voice. It was not you friend. It was the DJ from your local radio station. He said "Hello! You are caller #14! You just won 1 free VIP ticket to One Direction if you can answer this one question! What member has a fear on spoons?" without any hesitation you say, "Liam!" The DJ says correct! They ask you to come in and you start fangirling. When you drive to the studio, you get to meet the boys. They give you a hug and give you the tickets. They also give you a bunch of autographs and then Niall gives you his number and asks you on a date. You accept. As soon as you leave you start fangirling again. You call your friend and explain what happend and you both fangirling together! **2 weeks later** You are getting ready for the consert. Your now boyfriend,Niall, is picking you up early so you can see their sound check. You are searching everywhere around your house for your One Direction T-shirt. You then realize it is at your friends house still. You laugh. You just decide to buy another one at the consert. You then get a text that Niall is in your drive way. You walk out and go to the consert. It was one of the best nights of your life. Please comment imagine ideas in the comments!

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