He loves cats.
His full name is Harry Edward Styles.
He has 4 nipples.
He has a cat named Dusty.
He sleeps completely naked.
Harry came up with the name 'One Direction'.
Harry can juggle.
Harry was giving a fan a piggy back ride, then asked her friend if she would like one and her friend said she was to fat. Harry got angry at the comment and told she wasn’t and to get on his back.
The boys played a trick on Harry and told him that Zayn was leaving One Direction. Harry started crying.
Harry loves America and wants to move there one day.
Harry has ridden a motorcycle naked before.
Harry doesn't find himself attractive.
Harry got a fan's number before at a signing.
Harry and Ed Sheeran were building a lego house in the dressing room before the teen choice awards.
Harry set Louis and Eleanor up. (The are still together.)
Hey Sarah! I want to know more about why YOU like One Direction so much? Facts are fine, but would you do more posts that help everyone get to know the girl behind this great blog? Who is your favorite of the group? What is your favorite One Direction song? What do you do when you aren't going crazy over One Direction?