Zayn means 'beautiful' in Aribic.
His shoe size is 8 1/2.
Zayn suffers from Acrophobia, which is the fear of heights.
Zayn's X-Factor serial number is #165616.
His dad is Pakistani.
His mom is British/Irish.
Zayn was born in St. Luke's Hospital in Bradford, England.
His favorite food is chicken.
If you meet him and give him your Twitter name, he will follow you.
He can't swim.
He is afraid of the dark.
His secret talent is drawing.
He always brushes his teeth before going on stage.
His favourite Pokémon is Oshawott.
He has his ears pierced.
Zayn's Name Is originally was spelled like 'Zain' but he prefers 'Zayn'.
His full name is 'Zayn Jawaad Malik'.
His first job was being a waiter at a family restruant.
Zayn likes his iPhone 4 better than his Blackberry.
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