Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16, 2012

20 facts for today:

Louis has 4 younger sisters.

Niall is a natural brunette.

Harry came up with the name 'One Direction'.

One Direction is the most successful band in the world.

The US One Direction sued the British/Irish band claiming they stole their name.

Niall sings in the shower.

Louis pokes Harry's cheeks when he is bored.

Zayn once ate the last chip and Niall tried to eat Zayn's hand as punishment.

Niall annoys Zayn by singing everything in opera. One morning Niall was singing in opera and Zayn slapped him. 

Harry carries at least 3 Twix chocolate bars with him.

Zayn used to eat paper when he was younger
Zayn's favorite food is chicken.

Harry's favorite band is The Beatles.

Harry has no intent on playing Mick Jagger in a rumored documentary.

Harry does not like mayonnaise.

Louis was a singer for the band called 'The Rouge'.

If Niall could be best friends with any fictional character, he would be friends with Homer Simpson.

Zayn says he doesn't really care if a girl wears a lot of make-up or not.

The boys say they do Google themselves sometimes to see what people say about them

If Liam became a cannibal and had to eat one member of the band, he would eat eat Zayn.

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